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Beeing Jess Turns Two!

I can't believe it has been two years since I created Beeing Jess! Where has the time gone?!

It all started with an idea to share my story. I was just diagnosed with depression and anxiety and wanted to create a platform to talk about it. I saw it as an opportunity to be open and honest about who I am. In return, I received so much love and positivity, which is more than I could ever ask for. Being raw and authentic about my life has truly been an amazing experience.

The past two years have been the hardest, but most important years of my life. I've grown and evolved into a better version of myself. I've learned that life is never easy, but this life is worth living. All the struggles I've faced have made me the strong person I am today. I've come such a long way on this journey and it is only the beginning.

I'm excited for what's to come with Beeing Jess! After a much needed break, I'm back and more inspired than ever. I was not in good place physically or mentally and needed some time to work on myself. I took a step back to live in the moment and practice self-care. I have gone through an awakening period in my life and I feel like I am on a completely different level. I have a new perspective and I am ready to share my life with you again!

Thank you all for following along on this journey of mine.

"Everything has changed and yet, I am more me than I've ever been."

love, Jess

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