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Worry box

The other day my mom came across a print out of an old email from my Aunt Bee and shared it with me:

I took it as a sign from my Aunt Bee and decided to make my own Worry Box. I went to my local Michael’s craft store and bought a plain wooden box to paint and decorate. Here is what my box looks like:

I absolutely love the idea of the Worry Box. I am constantly worrying and overthinking everything going on in my life. Whenever I become overwhelmed I grab a post it and write down my feelings. Once I put my worries in my box they no longer consume me. I let my worries go, I free myself from the negativity. I created a positive space in my room where I keep my Worry Box along with a few other things that keep me at peace.

If you find yourself always holding on to your worries make a Worry Box and let all those negative feelings go! Allow yourself to be at peace with each moment of life. This is a great exercise to "Let go and Let God."

love, Jess

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