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My reality

I found this quote on Pinterest and wanted to share:

I no longer pretend that everything is okay because I realized I was only hurting myself. I’m honest about what I’m going through because I'm not ashamed of my struggle anymore. There are days when the depression consumes me but I'm learning how to find a balance. I’m doing everything I can to be a better version of myself.

Some days are harder than others. There are times when I can't get myself out of bed. I struggle daily with emotions that I have no control over. Sleepless nights, loss of appetite, and constant anxiety is what my life has become. It’s mentally and physically exhausting. I look in the mirror and don’t recognize myself anymore. I no longer see the person I used to be. Never did I imagine this would be my reality at 23 years old.

Being diagnosed with depression was a scary moment in my life. It’s something I never thought I would experience. Depression doesn't define who I am; it's just something I'm going through. I'm taking each day one step at a time and embracing this journey. I am strong for admitting: "I'm not okay and I need help." This is only just the beginning of my journey.

Don't be ashamed of your struggles. Everyone is fighting his or her own battles. Be open and honest about what you are going through. Embrace your flaws; no one is perfect in this world. Most importantly love yourself.

love, Jess

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